this age of technology creates something that can destroy us as well as bond us but it all depends on how we want to use it. do we wasn't disconnect and destruction of do we want a world of unity and understanding? the truth is that the more we rely on these "Social networks" the more we are connected to others that we typically dont have connections with but at the same time we use these as tools to communicate instead of having face to face connections. i cannot recall how many times i have heard people talking about people that they've "Facebook stalked" and dont even know the person beyond that superficial and shallow attempt at communication. It frustrates and worries me that people do this. its not only rude but dangerous, you can not only distory someone with assumptions but you can miss the chance to meet and actually know someone who is true and has dreams and ambitions that people cannot know from a newsfeed. When you think about it all you get from that is their favorite music ( or at least what they think society thinks is acceptable), where they work, their favorite TV shows, and multiple ways to stalk them such as the inefficient email, the outdated AIM accounts from the 90's, a telephone number (but lets face it who actually calls people anymore, isnt that what Facebook is for?!) and other links to sites such as this one. now i realize im being super hypocritical but i cannot stand Facebook, but the truth is that there is really no way for me to back out of it, all connections are made through here. if i want to have a social life i am almost forced to have an account. Did we forget what we did before Facebook? we called people, we went and talked to people and didn't have this eery feeling that we didn't truly know the person were talking to. Now this is not to say that we dont know any of our friends on Facebook but for new acquaintances whats the first thing you do to "get to know them?" you look at pictures, you look at religion, political status, and most importantly (if you're single) their relationship status ( dont even lie to yourself if its the opposite sex and you're single you check to see if you even have a chance.) but heres the thing, all of these are super shallow expressions of a person.the truth is who cares if you're a democrat, republican communist or whatever you believe in? who cares if your religious views are Buddhist, christian, or the flying spaghetti monster, this tells you the surface of them. ones self does not lie at the surface but deep in their hearts and souls. what are their dreams? what are their ambitions in life? who are they really? connection in this world does not mean having a shallow existence, stand up and tell who you are and what you're doing. Facebook is a social killer i can only hope people can wake up from this deep trace.