Friday, April 22, 2011


My life recently has brought me back to the box in which I was originally trapped. My demons I had bottled up have begun overflowing and spilling out in a variety of ways in my life. I live my life in too comfortable of a manner and can no longer keep living this life. I have a desire and passion to spread love throughout a world that so desperately needs it. I need to find an outlet. I want to show the world that beyond the hate and suffering in this world people still care. Love does exist. It may not be the Hollywood depiction of love where everyone gets their girl and everything's perfect for the rest of their life but the love that cannot be described. The love that bursts from the words of Jesus. Love exists. It's different than I would have ever imagined but when you realize that the love and life you've been desperately searching for your whole life is right in front of you in your friends and family there's nothing that can stop you from spreading the joy of life and the beauty that surrounds this world and the next. You're not alone. Never are you alone. I need to take the next step, whatever that may be I Need to take it. I cant keep living this life that shows me nothing of what I am capable of and what I was meant to be. Life is not simple but with prayer God will lead you to the life you were meant for and the people who are meant to surround you. Love is the answer. Love is the movement. Love is life. Remember this.
I love you all and god bless
-Cale Fichter

Location:U.S. 67 Business,Poplar Bluff,United States

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Simple Lesson

I believe that if you can help someone and show them that someone cares about them and that the world hasn’t turned their back on them then that love that you give can be passed in a chain and the simple act of one person caring can spread to many in a domino effect.

All i ask is that you remember this, live by this, and never forget those who showed you this once in your own life.
-Cale Fichter

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

As I lay here In a cold sweat trying not to throw up and feeling terrible I realized something, maybe I'm just delirious from the fever but even though I'm running a fever, throwing up, and generally feeling like crap I realized I'm in all honestly perfectly safe and healthy. No matter what happens to me I have doctors to treat me, a warm bed to rest in, medicines to take and the orange juice to take them with. No matter how bad I get I will always be in a better position than so many others in this world.
-Cale Fichter

"This is not the sound of a new man or crispy realization
It’s the sound of the unlocking and the lift away
Your love will be safe with me"
-Bon Iver

Location:Yorktown Dr,Columbia,United States

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The problems with Technology.

this age of technology creates something that can destroy us as well as bond us but it all depends on how we want to use it. do we wasn't disconnect and destruction of do we want a world of unity and understanding? the truth is that the more we rely on these "Social networks" the more we are connected to others that we typically dont have connections with but at the same time we use these as tools to communicate instead of having face to face connections. i cannot recall how many times i have heard people talking about people that they've "Facebook stalked" and dont even know the person beyond that superficial and shallow attempt at communication. It frustrates and worries me that people do this. its not only rude but dangerous, you can not only distory someone with assumptions but you can miss the chance to meet and actually know someone who is true and has dreams and ambitions that people cannot know from a newsfeed. When you think about it all you get from that is their favorite music ( or at least what they think society thinks is acceptable), where they work, their favorite TV shows, and multiple ways to stalk them such as the inefficient email, the outdated AIM accounts from the 90's, a telephone number (but lets face it who actually calls people anymore, isnt that what Facebook is for?!) and other links to sites such as this one. now i realize im being super hypocritical but i cannot stand Facebook, but the truth is that there is really no way for me to back out of it, all connections are made through here. if i want to have a social life i am almost forced to have an account. Did we forget what we did before Facebook? we called people, we went and talked to people and didn't have this eery feeling that we didn't truly know the person were talking to. Now this is not to say that we dont know any of our friends on Facebook but for new acquaintances whats the first thing you do to "get to know them?" you look at pictures, you look at religion, political status, and most importantly (if you're single) their relationship status ( dont even lie to yourself if its the opposite sex and you're single you check to see if you even have a chance.) but heres the thing, all of these are super shallow expressions of a person.the truth is who cares if you're a democrat, republican communist or whatever you believe in? who cares if your religious views are Buddhist, christian, or the flying spaghetti monster, this tells you the surface of them. ones self does not lie at the surface but deep in their hearts and souls. what are their dreams? what are their ambitions in life? who are they really? connection in this world does not mean having a shallow existence, stand up and tell who you are and what you're doing. Facebook is a social killer i can only hope people can wake up from this deep trace.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Good news leads to good lives

"there's a darkness apon me that's flooded in light." -Avett Brothers.

First off I'd like to say that, my friend who was having so many problems and had you pray for had his girlfriend call me yesterday night and give me the news that he had indeed gone to rehab and has convinced him that he can't have a normal life without this and that he has to have a long journey in order to be who he wants to be. He is a strong man and I have all the faith in the world he can do this.

Now as for me I am currently sitting at Fellows Lake writing to you all. The leaves have turned into a living painting showing the glorious life nature is, the water is rippling as the sun shines brightly wind fills the air with the smell of fall. Absolutly amazing what this world has to offer.

Life is full of problems but it's how you go about fixing these problems that shows how you will be remembered. If you simply ignore the world around you and focus on your problems and only your problems the world will simply crumble. We need to focus on connections with people and showing that there is more than pain in this world. Love is a powerful thing but the truth is that there is evil in this world and sometimes outweighs the good. I'm no different from the rest of the world I am guilty of causing harm to people whether it's physical or emotional we've all been there. What I'm telling you now is that you can't ignore people who are perceived as scum of the world. Some of the homeless that I have talked to have more incite to this world than most people who are in top in this world. One older gentleman who was living on the streets surprised me last year when I was talking to him, he stated that even though he's on the streets he was lucky and blessed. that was different. So I asked him why that was, and his response blew me away. He said that he was homeless but he was still alive and that he had food, shelter and Jesus to keep him alive and happy, he also said that American homeless are blessed because even though they don't have homes they aren't dying of starvation and always have somewhere they can go to get all the help they need while most of the world struggles to survive day by day. I didn't know what to say to this. But i can tell you this, if you live day by day not having to wonder if you will wake to see tomorrow because you're deprived of basic needs in life you are blessed. To many people take for granted what is in their eyes a given. Here's my message for today, try to not take advantage of what is in your life because you are truly lucky. Second dont pass by the people who you assume are worthless. I have had numerous conversations with the religious protesters and while some views I strongly disagree with there is a common ground and at the end of the day we are all human. Judging is a direct path to a horrible life listen to your fellow man and let him express his feelings as you express yours. The only true way to peace is the sharing of ideas and being able to understand and find common ground with those you see as your enemy. Express yourself to someone this week but please, don't push your beliefs on them just tell them how you look at your world.
Love and acceptance is the answer.

-Cale Fichter

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Fellows Lake

Monday, October 18, 2010

A Losing Battle

Yesterday I received a call from a friend of mine who had been getting help from a local rehab house. He seemed distressed and when I asked him about it he without hesitation told me that he had dropped out of the program and renounced his faith claiming that, " all I've done is good things and nothing good has happened to me." but it had, he had gotten into a program, found a girlfriend, quit meth and alcohol, and met me and went to church with me. I had been there the entire time. I am trying to understand what happened and what went wrong. Please pray for him to make he right decisions and not end back up in jail.
-Cale Fichter

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:S Jefferson Ave,Springfield,United States

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Let's face facts, I screw up a lot. You all may be thinking, "oh you're just human, everyone makes mistakes." but at what point are those mistakes so common that you inevitably destroy what was once right and replace it with this twisted version of reality. People place their lives in the hands of those around them whether they want to believe it or not, their views, beliefs, habits, and just overall who they are to become is at stake and sitting in the hands of their peers. There's where the problem is, we look to others to see what is acceptable and morally wrong and right. Now, I'm not stupid and I realize this is easier said than done, trust me I've tried, but what I am saying is that you can sit back and realize this and find who YOU are not what your surroundings tell you, you are. I have spent countless hours of my life on a journey, a journey to find myself and who i really am. It seemed to have worked but as of today I realized that I have reverted back to my old ways of commanding and leading through fear and force. This truly is who, as a human man by nature, I should be but not who I am as a person, as a soul, mentally I have two functions. By nature I am to fight and lead, let's face it I have violent tendencies and I use this to pressure people into Doing what I want them to. Historically this probably would have been handy for leading hunting and organizing in order to stay alive ( I dont know if this is true but it would be my best guess) Modern day has no need for this. And therefore I am aggressively using what I don't need. I am not saying that I always am this way but I can be. Life is a complex and odd thing and it's a challenge to figure out who you're supposed to be vs. What your natural instincts tell you to be. Here's what i propose we do about this, try it out and email me about your results if you want. This has worked in the past and i need to do this on a regular basis. Take time for yourself, grab your iPod, or whatever MP3 player you have and just go to your favorite spot or somewhere new, just make sure you're able to focus on yourself and not what's around you. I chose the woods or a field because I have a need for nature. Sit down and make yourself comfortable, listen to your favorite soothing music and just think about your dreams and what you have done wrong. This seems easy but from what I have found people like to forget or hide these memories, even to themselves but just think about them, think about how that effected you life and why you wouldn't want that to happen again. While your mind desperately wants to forget it is important to remember because if you can't remember your mistakes you are bound to repeat them. For me this has helped me sort through a lot of things that needed to be remembered, it calmed me and made me focus on who I was becoming and not who I was. I urge you to try this for yourself. Stay calm and remember to be who you want to be not who you are supposed to be by nature and society. -Cale Fichter

If any questions, email me @

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